Meagan S
Chapter 7 didn't start off too interesting. Most of the chapter had to do with the time traveler and Weena (the little gentle creature above ground) heading out to the green building. The time traveler also came to the conclusion that the Morlocks (the underground creatures) eat the Eloi (above ground creatures). He found out what the meet was in the tunnel finally. On the way to the building, Weena kept putting flowers in the time traveler's pocket, which was adorable, kind of reminds you of father and daughter. Darkness comes along and there was also a huge dark forest that comes along the path, put they choose to avoid it and the night, and sleep on a hill. The time traveler decides to stay up all night because he didn't want the Morlocks to attack them. One of the big things was when the time traveler decided to stay up, he watched the stars and noticed how the constellations changed since his time. Which I thought was pretty interesting. Anyways, one thing that I thought was interesting was how the Morlocks eat the Eloi. How did humanity turn into these creatures who eat each other. Yeah it's over thousands of years, but who did that come to be? Why are the Morlocks so evil and mean and the Eloi so nice and gentle and fragile?
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