Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Time Machine Chapter 5

Meagan S.

Chapter 5 was quite... interesting. The Time Traveler happened to lose his time machine then to only find out that it was at the pedestal of the white sphinx. How did it even get there? He's the only human there and all the other little creatures are weak and lazy, how could they move it? Anyways, one of the big things in this chapter is that he saves one of the little creatures from drowning then befriends him and follows him around. Weena (the little creature he saved) told him how they are afraid of the dark.  Another thing that was kinda creepy in my opinion was the underground creatures. The Time Traveler was in one of the buildings to find the well that leads down. He went down the ladder to find these things. He came to the conclusion that there are two different kinds of "humans" in the future. The above ground, lazy and fragile creatures and the under ground, monster, horrible creatures. Why would this be added into the book? I wonder what they are going to do? Think about it, what if these monster like things come out at night and took the time machine, causing the time traveler to be stranded. Hmm...

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Time Machine Chapter 4

Meagan S

In my opinion, chapter 4 was rather boring. The book was talking about the Time Traveler and more of his interactions with these creatures. He noticed how the creatures weren't interested and amused for long and also came up theory that they are weak and lazy. He tried to tell them where he came from, where one of them caught on that he came from the thunderstorm (Which is true, because when he first came into this place, it was a wicked thunderstorm). After only a few seconds, the creatures were unimpressed. The Time Traveler noticed how civilization turned out to be perfect but had a toll on the inhabitants there and how everything worked, kind of like communism. One of the things in the novel that is a big question is why the creatures only eat fruit. Is it because that's all they can get? The Time Traveler said he only has the "half-truth" about what is going on and is soon to discover the real things that is going on behind all of this. I'm not really sure what to think of this chapter. Not the biggest fan of it, but it will be interesting to find out more about the creatures and what is happening with the civilization and the story behind it.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Time Machine Chapter 3

Meagan S

Honestly, the best chapter so far. Now the book is being narrated by the Time Traveler and he heads into the future. As he's flying through time, he worries about colliding with something but he finally stops in the future as it was hailing. When it stops hailing he worries hes vulnerable to this things that could be out there that he does know. He notices a white statue which later he calls it a white sphinx. As hes trying to fix the time machine, he notices robed figures watching him and one approaches him. He noticed that they weren't looking for trouble and they were fragile creatures. He stopped feeling vulnerable because they were beautiful and frail and weren't trying to hurt him. I really like this chapter because it kinda shows what the turn out could be for mankind in the future. It could turn out bad or it could turn out good and later on in the book we'll see where it goes. So far everything seems to be okay but that could change quickly. What if he gets stuck in the future? What if these creatures turn against him and theres no way for him to leave?

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Time Machine Chapter 2

Meagan S

Like i said in my last post, if you had this huge invention, wouldn't you want to keep it to yourself? Everywhere he goes, to the past and to the future, the time traveler tells these people. Yes they're amazed with his work and what can come from this, but what if something happens? What if it isn't stable enough for people to use yet? Anyways, this book just keeps getting better and better. It still hasn't gotten to the best parts, which i hope come soon. In the second chapter he is using the time machine and going to these dinners in the past and telling these people what is going on. The people question why they can't see the time machine and he simply states that its too fast to see because its moving through time. It doesn't seem like too much is going on, just little things, but its setting up for something big and i'm excited.